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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Safety auxiliary feedback element for the artificial pancreas in type 1 diabetes |
Revert Tomás, Ana
; Garelli, Fabricio
; Picó i Marco, Jesús
; Battista, Hernán de
; Rossetti, Paolo
; Vehí, Josep
; Bondía Company, Jorge
5 agost 2013 |
Safety auxiliary feedback element for the artificial pancreas in type 1 diabetes |
Revert Tomás, Ana
; Garelli, Fabricio
; Picó i Marco, Jesús
; Battista, Hernán de
; Rossetti, Paolo
; Vehí, Josep
; Bondia, Jorge
Semiactive backstepping control for vibration attenuation in structures equipped with magnetorheological actuatorscat |
Luo, Ningsu
; Villamizar Mejía, Rodolfo
; Vehí i Casellas, Josep
; Dyke, Shirley
2006 |
Semiactive backstepping control for vibration attenuation in structures equipped with magnetorheological actuatorscat |
Luo, Ningsu
; Villamizar Mejía, Rodolfo
; Vehí, Josep
; Dyke, Shirley
Semiactive backstepping control for vibration attenuation in structures equipped with magnetorheological actuatorscat |
Luo, Ningsu
; Villamizar Mejía, Rodolfo
; Vehí, Josep
; Dyke, Shirley
1 juny 2018 |
Semiactive backstepping control for vibration attenuation in structures equipped with magnetorheological actuatorscat |
5 juny 2018 |
Semiactive backstepping control for vibration attenuation in structures equipped with magnetorheological actuatorscat |
Luo, Ningsu
; Villamizar Mejía, Rodolfo
; Vehí, Josep
; Dyke, Shirley
5 novembre 2015 |
Testing PID and MPC Performance for Mobile Robot Local Path-Following |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu
Testing PID and MPC Performance for Mobile Robot Local Path-Following |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu
Testing PID and MPC Performance for Mobile Robot Local Path-Following |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu
1 juny 2018 |
Testing PID and MPC Performance for Mobile Robot Local Path-Following |
5 juny 2018 |
Testing PID and MPC Performance for Mobile Robot Local Path-Following |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu